First from Imperial MRes Chemistry (Nanomaterials), First from UNSW Australia Beng Hons (Photovoltaic Engineering)
BEcon Stockholm University and MBA University of Liverpool. Investor and board professional.
Jan Dinkelspiel
Chairman GREEN14 and Printworks Sweden AB, ex Nordnet board member, CPO and Country GM
Adam Podgorski
Founder and CEO, GREEN14. MRes Chemistry (Nanomaterials) Imperial College
Kerstin Konradsson
CEO Erasteel, board member of Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) and SCR-Sibelco N.V
Erik Løkke-Øwre
CEO NorSun AS, ex board member of REC Silicon
Scientific Advisory Board
Ragnar Tronstad
12 years as Director of R&D at Elkem (Global Silicon metal producer). Creator of REC Solar silicon production method.
Karl Forwald
PhD & +40 years as Senior Metallurgist at Elkem Technology (Global Silicon metal producer)
Reach out to us.
Styckjunkargatan 1, Stockholm