

  • CEO

    First from Imperial MRes Chemistry (Nanomaterials), First from UNSW Australia Beng Hons (Photovoltaic Engineering)

  • Chairman

    BEcon Stockholm University and MBA University of Liverpool. Investor and board professional.


  • Jan Dinkelspiel

    Chairman GREEN14 and Printworks Sweden AB, ex Nordnet board member, CPO and Country GM

  • Adam Podgorski

    Founder and CEO, GREEN14. MRes Chemistry (Nanomaterials) Imperial College

  • Kerstin Konradsson

    CEO Erasteel, board member of Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) and SCR-Sibelco N.V

  • Erik Løkke-Øwre

    CEO NorSun AS, ex board member of REC Silicon

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Ragnar Tronstad

    12 years as Director of R&D at Elkem (Global Silicon metal producer). Creator of REC Solar silicon production method.

  • Karl Forwald

    PhD & +40 years as Senior Metallurgist at Elkem Technology (Global Silicon metal producer)

Reach out to us.

Styckjunkargatan 1, Stockholm
